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Website Checklist

There may be some of you that are almost done with your web Project so you may begin working on your Documents project today and this weekend. Some books work better than others, so if you don't want to spend a lot of time looking for an appropriate book, you can choose a book from this list.

Here is a checklist that you can use to make sure you have all the parts of your website done before posting to OPAL and submitting.

Grading Point Scale

Control+F (PC) and Command+F (Mac) will help you find what you are looking for on this page if you get stuck building your site. Six Keyboard Shortcuts Every Computer User Should Know

  1. Use Word to export a real or example resume in pdf format. Save it to your web project folder. Not sure about this? See this video.

  2. Find a template, verify it works for you and start building your site. See templates in the left sidebar more information.

  3. Confirm you have a home page file named index.html. You should not have a file named home.html. If you are using a one page type of theme, you will create sections. If you are using a multi-page theme, you will create pages.

  4. Confirm you have an About Section or Page. If not, create one.

  5. Create an Interests Section or Page.

  6. Create a Classes Section or Page.

  7. Home Page Content: email with an obfuscated email address generator. | How to do it (This is not needed if you have a working Google Form.)

  8. Home Page Content: Image or graphic that loads fast and gets attention.

  9. About Page Content: Have some custom about info related to you. Add a relative link to your resume file in the code of your about.html page. If you saved it or put it in the right folder, you will be able to easily link to it.

  10. If you did not save, or already put, a pdf formatted resume in your website project folder on your laptop, drag a copy named yourlastname-yourfirstname-resume.pdf into your project folder. You will need to link to this using a RELATIVE link. See this static screen shot for help. or check out this animated gif


You cannot preview your resume pdf file in a text editor. So if you see a lot of raw code, or if you get an error message when you click on it while in the text editor, ignore it. What matters is that you can download it or view it in a browser based pdf plugin. Not every has a browser that can preview a pdf file. You will be graded on will it download if clicked.

A RELATIVE URL points to a file within a web site:

<a href="firstname-lastname-resume.css">My Resume</a>

A RELATIVE URL can also point to a file within a directory in a web site:

<a href="files/firstname-lastname-resume.pdf">My Resume</a>

Don't use an absolute URL (contains an http:// link) to point to your resume on another server or even on the opal server:

<!-- don't do this: -->
<a href="">My Resume</a>
  1. Classes Page Content: Links to each class you are taking this semester.

  2. Interests Page Content: At least an HTML ordered list.

  1. Third level pages or section: Three placeholder objects for links to tasks 3-5. Single Page Example and Multipage Example

  2. Every page should have a page last updated object.

document.write("Page last updated on " + document.lastModified);
  1. Make sure your all your navigation links work.

  2. One client side script. (Javascript example.) See the Scripting notes in the left sidebar for more information. This is a specific required rubric item distinct from other rubric items that may or may not use javascript.

  3. One server side script. (Google Form or Google Fonts or Google analytics.)

  4. Make sure that all of your images have "Description" attributes.

  5. Verify that you do not have any spaces in file or folder names. I count this as failed validation score.

  6. Verify that your image names and your source code CASE/CASE case/case match: (image.jpg must point to image.jpg) (image.jpg cannot point to image.JPG on OPAL)

  7. Upload to Opal with your SFTP program.

  8. Check HTML validation: Copy a link from your home page and paste in the validation form: i.e.

  9. Check CSS Validation: Use same URL: i.e.

  10. Do your best to fix validation errors that are obviously your code edits. If the issue is with your template, that will not count against you. For example, if you are using a bootstrap template, there will be some CSS validation issues with the bootstrap.min.css file; but, you should not be touching that file, so it is not your fault. (Unless you did indeed edit it by accident.) There may be some issues with cut and paste Google Font and Google Form code, as well. That will not affect your validation grade.

  11. Submit your assignment in Sakai. Paste your url in the assignment text box. If you can't figure out your validation errors, mention that in the submission post.