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You are going to take screenshots of tasks 01.02—01.06 and upload them to opal

TaskDescriptionDue dateValueRunning Total
01.01Introductory Forum PostMay 201%1%
01.02Newsletter Sign upMay 231%2%
01.03VPN SetupMay 232%4%
01.04Create Directory on OPALMay 232%6%
01.05Install SFTP ProgramMay 232%8%
01.06Install Text editorMay 232%10%
VA*Network SessionMay 24VAVA
02.01Hardcode HTML PageMay 251%11%
02.02Connect CSS pageMay 281%12%
02.03Completed Web SiteJun 0628%40%
03.00Document MarkupJun 1215%55%
04.00Working with DataJun 2020%75%
05.00Professional PresentationJun 2310%85%
*Value Addedvarious activities that will include in-class participation and/or blog postsJun 2315%100%